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OHS Policy

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OHS Policy


While carrying out its activities at the highest level of quality based on the principle of "HEALTH AND SAFETY FIRST", our company undertakes to ensure and maintain the following issues in order to protect the occupational health and safety of its employees and to continuously improve the working environment;

  • To ensure the elimination of occupational health and safety risks by taking precautions in advance;
  • To ensure continuous improvement in OHS issues;
  • To comply with the current OHS-related legal legislation, administrative regulations and the rules of the organizations of which we are a member;
  • Providing training to ensure that both direct company personnel and subcontractor employees are aware of their individual OHS responsibilities;
  • To periodically review the OHS Policy to maintain compliance with the requirements;
  • To mutually share the OHS experiences gained with public, private sector organizations and non-governmental organizations in order to ensure the continuous development of Occupational Health and Safety,